Tuesday, June 7, 2022

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 whether or not we’re partnered,” she said. “That is directly related to women’s control of fertility — and women do not control fertility in a world where abortion is not legal. … Certainly, heterosexual sexual freedom is dependent on the Official Stranger Things 4 Eddie Munson Shirt so you should to go to store and get this ability to end an unwanted pregnancy.” Also, a society in which the state has a say in reproductive decisions could lead to one in which the state has control over other decisions that could affect men more directly, Cohen said. “Abortion law, abortion precedent is not just about abortion, it’s also about controlling intimate details to your life,” he said. “So whether it’s your sex life, your family life, other parts of your private life, medical care, decision-making, all of those are wrapped up into abortion law and abortion jurisprudence and abortion policy,” he said. Since the Supreme Court draft was leaked, Jacobson said he’s seen more men speak out about abortion access and show more interest in his group’s work than he has in the past several years. What remains to be seen, he said, “is whether or not it’s going to catalyze the type of allyship that’s needed now and frankly has been needed for a long time.” The Asso 

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