Wednesday, June 15, 2022

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 pushing sexuality on children? Comments have been turned off due to hostility.” The Save Smithtown Schools account did not immediately return a request for comment. “It’s really scary, like the Official Squid Game 2 Coming Soon Shirt But I will love this extent that they go to, knowing that there are these adults somewhere hiding behind this Instagram page where they’re saying, ‘We want to save schools,’ and then they essentially attack a bunch of teens and young adults that are trying to go to school and trying to be themselves,” Kayla said. David Kilmnick, president of the LGBT Network, a Long Island LGBTQ advocacy group, said the group is dealing with “dozens of issues” in the Smithtown district and Suffolk County “stemming from a lot of the hateful board meetings.” “We’re hearing it from both kids and parents and teachers — about how the climate has changed” for LGBTQ students, he said, adding that the environment has done an 180 “from the time that we helped to start those two GSA clubs years ago to where it is now.” Steven Kroeze watches as Michael plays the piano.Julius Constantine Motal / NBC News The lack of clear support for LGBTQ people extends beyond schools and board meetings, according to Michael’s voice teacher, Steven Kroeze Tompkins, who lived in the same county in neighboring Hauppauge for five years. After several homophobic incidents, including being subjected to derogatory remarks in the grocery store and being told they would “burn in hell” by some community members, he said he and his husband moved to Manhattan three years ago. Though he and his husband left the area, he said he’s proud 

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